"Constable Evan Evans, sole police officer in the charming Welsh village of Llanfair, is assigned to assist an expedition to raise a World War II German bomber plane from the bottom of ' Llyn Llydaw.' " which is the King Arthur Lake holding Excalibur.
"The whole venture is being filmed for a documentary on World War II and Evans tries to assist the film crew by finding them local people with stories to tell. Little does he realize that resurrecting the past can sometimes mean opening old wounds."
Murders happen of course and some WWII murders were connected. He is not the officer on duty but of course almost gets killed as he solves the crime(s).
What a fine read this one was- probably the best of the series so far! I'm delighted that each one gets better, since I love to reread favorite series this will work!
On to the next in the series where I'm hoping that he and Bronwyn get closer as a couple.