
Frequently Auto-Approved

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Deborah Crombie- The Sound of Broken Glass- Very fine series~ 5 Stars~

"In the past . . .
On a blisteringly hot August afternoon in Crystal Palace, once home to the tragically destroyed Great Exhibition...In the present . . .On a cold January morning in London, DI Gemma James is back on the job now that her husband, Det.Supt. Duncan Kincaid, at home to care for their three-year-old foster daughter. Assigned to lead a Murder Investigation Team in South London,  assisted by her  colleague, newly promoted Sergeant Melody Talbot." 

As always a great read, with the mystery set in a different place in England,and with fine historical context. I knew a bit about the Crystal Place but not about the "place" Crystal Palace. The crime(s) fit the area and Duncan, Gemma, Melody and Doug rose to the occasion to help solve them.

Duncan figures out a way to get back to work and get Char situated in a happy school setting. Melody and Doug both have new relationships looming. The mystery was solved in a exciting way that you need to read to appreciate.

Everything and everyone got sorted out at the end of course EXCEPT for poor Duncan, whose work environment took a strange turn. I have now downloaded the last 2 books before the upcoming new ones, so that I will know in what direction their story will be going.

Love this series!! 


  1. This series is a favorite of mine but I had kind of forgotten about it. Thanks for the reminder. 🙂
