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Sunday, December 1, 2013

Castles, Customs, and Kings: True Tales by English Historical Fiction Authors

Two weeks ago I said this "
It is so very difficult to tear myself away and to finish the books I have dates to review...Judith Arnopp, Carol McGrath, Paula Lofting, Sherry Jones, Nancy Bilyeau, Anne O'Brien, Debra Brown, Tim Vicary...Oh My!
The new favorite authors that I am finding.. Give me strength to put it down .."

So of course you see that I did not have the strength to put it down. Every night I had to read some more before getting to my "required reading" and now, somewhat regretfully, it has ended.

I am so happy this was offered to me for a review by Debra Brown, a fine Editor! Did I tell you that many of these are favorite authors for me? That I anticipate their books coming out ? Did I mention already that there are many more authors that I am now following because I had the opportunity to read this one?

Katherine Ashe ends the book delightfully with 800 years of Christmas in England and juxtaposes ancient customs with newer ones. I learned how we built on ancient customs to arrive at how we celebrate today. What things did the Protestant Reformation change for "propriety's sake" and which  bits were retained from the ancient Roman Lupercalia? Yes they are all here.

Well it is Christmas now, get out there and purchase this book for yourself. It will offer you countless hours of delightful reading.

Medieval is my biggest passion, both early and late but if you are a lover of Tudor, Regenecy and Victorian it is all here for you! I am off now to find the latest by Brian Wainwright and Christy English  and to look for Roseanne Lortz and Richard Denning. Rereading will also happen from time to time , I am sure of it. Recommended for lovers  of every period of British History and those who appreciate scholarly details in their reading.

Please follow these and other great writers on English Historical Fiction Authors @ as I do..

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kathleen,

    Thank you so much! I reallly appreciate the time you took to read CC&K and write a review. My best regards!

    Debbie Brown
